Traffic Offenses
Have you been accused of not following the rules of the road? A moving violation is any violation of traffic laws committed by the driver while the vehicle is in motion.
Moving violations are generally classified as infractions or misdemeanors, but serious violations can be considered felonies. We offer effective representation for violations of every type, including speeding, excessive speeding, speeding in a school or work zone, reckless or negligent driving, driving with a suspended license, or driving on a revoked license.
In Ohio, a traffic offense can raise your auto insurance, require payment of court costs, potential mandatory driver’s suspensions or revocations, get you sent to jail or prison, and leave you with a permanent criminal record.
Depending on the offense charged, your previous driving record, and the jurisdiction you were charged in, there is a good chance we will be able to get your penalties and/or charges reduced or even possibly dismissed with no court-costs, fine, or driver’s license and insurance points. These can potentially result in auto insurance savings over several years.
Whatever your specific situation, you need to know your rights, options, and the potential consequences. The Meehling Law Office can help you navigate through the legal process.

"If you need an attorney that's high-energy and gets results, pick John C. Meehling. I did so, and against heavy odds, he got the outcomes I and my family hoped for. He did so on two (2) tough cases, he has good instincts, and his advice works.