Drug Offenses
An arrest for either misdemeanor or felony drug charges can result in serious legal consequences. Being convicted of an Ohio drug related offense can send you to jail, result in potential large fines, and may affect your ability to get a job or drive in Ohio. Prosecutors spend significant time and resources in the prosecution of drug crimes.
If you have been arrested or charged in connection with a drug crime, you must seek immediate legal counsel. Penalties associated with any type of drug crime could have lifelong consequences.
If this applies to your situation, contact us so we can provide immediate legal counsel and work to protect your rights and put forth a strong and aggressive defense. Meehling Law can defend clients accused of drug trafficking, drug abuse, drug possession, permitting drug abuse, possession of drug paraphernalia, deception to obtain dangerous drugs, cultivation, and other drug-related crimes.

"My name is Michael Thorman, and I am a recovering addict. I was told that I could remain anonymous while giving a brief testimony in regards to my experience with Mr. Meehling. However, I feel compelled to use my name, because Mr. Meehling went above and beyond for me. I had warrants in 3 separate counties simultaneously; Mr. Meehling went from one county to the next., seeking no jail time, but instead a program that would benefit my disease....Mr. Meehling and his stellar approach was able to get me an early release, therefore, enabling me to finally enter treatment. I was facing up to 3 to 4 years with all 3 counties combined. When all was said and done, I did approximately 80 days...I was blessed. Mr. Meehling helped me obtain one last chance. And with that, I stand today with 29 months of recovery. Thank you John, I hope you truly know how thankful I am..."
Michael Thorman