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Child custody and visitation agreements are some of the biggest decisions a couple will face during a divorce, dissolution, or a separation.  When a married couple divorces or when unmarried parents live separately, often times disputes arise regarding where the children will live and how relationships with the children can be maintained.  Custody and visitation law dictate how disputes are resolved.


Final decisions in any custody agreement rest with the court.  Parents should strive to come to an agreement on child custody and care decisions on their own, independent of the court.  Doing so can eliminate many problems and help keep additional costs such as attorney’s fees and court costs to a minimum.  If parents can’t agree in every custodial issue, the court will review and rule on your disagreements and approve a final parenting plan.


Courts make custody and visitation decisions based on the best interests of the child. The court may consider a number of factors, such as which parent has acted as the child’s primary caregiver, each parent’s mental and physical health, and the wishes of the parents and child, among others.


If you are facing a child custody or visitation issue, contact Meehling Law for a consultation and assistance.  Doing so can help you get the best custody and visitation arrangement for you and your children.

"I was referred by a friend and he has done great work on my custody case, and has kept open communication throughout.  He has been amazing during this case.  I highly recommend John Meehling to all of my family and friends!"

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